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Thursday, September 9, 2010

Hero Factory

I've been getting into this new Hero Factory theme. I know its not as cool as Bionicle used to be, but it is BY the makers of Bionicle so it will get better. Also of note people have been saying how the figures aren't as big as Bionicle and there are less pieces. Well I believe the reason behind this is that it is a new theme and because it is replacing Bioncle. So the reason the Heroes are small and have less pieces is because Lego wants to "test the waters" so to speak and see if this theme gets good reviews. This way they won't lose too much money if the theme flops. Less pieces = more money Lego makes and less of a deficit if Hero Factory goes under.
With this in mind we can surely expect that next wave the Heroes will get a face life and be bigger and stronger. Already the villains are pretty good, so we can probably expect the heroes to be similar.

I'm sorry I haven't updated this blog in awhile.
Also I got Mark Surge and Corroder yesterday so new reviews will be on them. This is what you can expect in terms of a review calender.
Preston Stormer
Mark Surge
Halo Wars Red Figure weapon pack
Clone Turbo Tank.


  1. Why can't you do the review on the turbo tank first?! I wanna see your opinions on it!

  2. And I don't like hero factory!

  3. I like the Hero factory! And i also want to see the clone turbo tank next

  4. Nightshroud, go to shadowgear6335's channel he is a very popular bionicle mocist on youtube.

  5. yeah new bionicle-esk theme. It sucks that the heros are so small right now but whatever. Also I agree you should do the clone turbo tank first.


  7. bye the way get rotor for hero factory

  8. i agree with you that lego wants to "test the waters".i hope the next wave is better.also,cant wait to see the reviews!.

  9. And I also wonder why you wont buy the AT-AT! I might get it for my birthday, but i'll have to choose between that and the turbo tank. (cause I can't get both)

  10. Nightshroud (or Bartholomew)you are the BEST!Please answer these questions:
    1)Will you buy the new Lego Harry Potter?
    2)Do you like the new Star wars sets???

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. I think Von Nebula is the best from Hero Factory Villains and from the Heroes i think William Furno

  13. The new Harry Potter stuff is coooooolllllll!!!!!
    Nightshroud you're the BEST!!!!!
