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Thursday, October 7, 2010


Just to let everyone know I will be gone from Saturday to around the 19th of October. Also I didn't review the last two clone wars episodes, sorry about that, but they kind of sucked anyway and my computer was out of commission.
Next I am uploading the new Harry Poter set Dobby's release now and tomorrow I will make a review on the Quidditch match set. Anyway thats it and thanks.


  1. saw your hogwart review really cool :D do you have any more sets p.s. im emorevan20

  2. Why are you going to your other youtube profile and explain a little more about the Harry Potter sets?Because i am going to buy or Harry Potter or Star Wars.........

  3. I have already seen your new Harry Potter video 3 times!!!!You're cool!

  4. What are the 199 and 200 epidodes reviewing

  5. Please answer this question:What are you prefer,Lego or Mega blocks?

  6. When are you goin' to review the Halo and Star Wars action figures?
