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Thursday, June 17, 2010

New Lego Kingdoms Reviews comign soon!

Today I was at Toysrus because of several requests from my subscribers to do reviews on the Kingdoms sets. At first I wasn't very interested in this line, but my opinion has changed. While I was there I also saw all the World Racers sets which look great, but I came for Kingdoms so thats what I got. In total I bought 5 sets: Jester, Wizard, Knights Showdown, Prison Carriage Rescue, and Outpost Attack! I actually lucked out on the two impulse sets (jester and wizard) because they only had one of each! I also saw the castle which looks cool, but at Toysrus it costs a whopping $105 so that was a no-go. Reviews won't be up until tomorrow, tonight I will be reviewing the Lego City Pig Farm and Tractor set.


  1. I am so excited!!!-Legosarecool99

  2. Dude great i have one kingdoms set knights showdown cant wait to see what you think and you were like me not interested in it then said aw what the heck and you tried it they are actually great sets - Legojib1

  3. I don't like the retro look of the Kingdoms sets, but the low cost sets of that theme look like they're worth the money, so I've got mixed feelings

  4. cool justed watched one of the reviews
