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Wednesday, December 29, 2010


Check out the new pictures here! http://www.flickr.com/photos/cc-1004/with/5261727422/

Monday, December 27, 2010

What do you want me to review next?

So I have a bunch of Hero Factory sets to review, as well as star wars; Ninjago. So what should I review tomorrow! You tell me! Post a comment below! :)

Thursday, October 7, 2010


Just to let everyone know I will be gone from Saturday to around the 19th of October. Also I didn't review the last two clone wars episodes, sorry about that, but they kind of sucked anyway and my computer was out of commission.
Next I am uploading the new Harry Poter set Dobby's release now and tomorrow I will make a review on the Quidditch match set. Anyway thats it and thanks.

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Star Wars the Clone Wars Season 3 Premiere!

Please note that there may be some spoilers ahead, that being said I will start.
Season 3 certainly has started off with a bang and its season subtitle (secrets) certainly is true. The first half hour of the hour long premiere starts by showing how the clones are trained and how they can fail. It follows domino squad which is a group of eccentric fools who can't work together. It ends with some morals about working together and everything turns out ok. Another thing it that the clones give themselves nicknames. Well the old crippled janitor, nicknamed 99, gives one of the clones the name heavy. At this point I scratched my head thinking "Wasn't their another clone already named that"? Well it turns out in the next half hour that this eccentric squad were the same clones in the episode "Rookies" back in first season. It certainly was neat that storylines are bing tied together now, as before most episodes were standalone. The next part also included the return of Assaj Ventress, who along with Grievous tried to attack Kamino. The episode ends with more morals and 99 being obviously killed, he sure was retarded for runing into open fire...!
Overall I really did enjoy this episode and I will be reviewing each episode every week so stay tuned!

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Hero Factory

I've been getting into this new Hero Factory theme. I know its not as cool as Bionicle used to be, but it is BY the makers of Bionicle so it will get better. Also of note people have been saying how the figures aren't as big as Bionicle and there are less pieces. Well I believe the reason behind this is that it is a new theme and because it is replacing Bioncle. So the reason the Heroes are small and have less pieces is because Lego wants to "test the waters" so to speak and see if this theme gets good reviews. This way they won't lose too much money if the theme flops. Less pieces = more money Lego makes and less of a deficit if Hero Factory goes under.
With this in mind we can surely expect that next wave the Heroes will get a face life and be bigger and stronger. Already the villains are pretty good, so we can probably expect the heroes to be similar.

I'm sorry I haven't updated this blog in awhile.
Also I got Mark Surge and Corroder yesterday so new reviews will be on them. This is what you can expect in terms of a review calender.
Preston Stormer
Mark Surge
Halo Wars Red Figure weapon pack
Clone Turbo Tank.

Friday, July 16, 2010

New Camera! New Lego Star Wars Sets! Oh My!

Oh my indeed except for the fact that my hick town doesn't have ANY of the new Lego Star Wars sets! I checked Toysrus, Target, Wal Mart and nothing! But, its ok because last night I ordered Wampa Attack off Toysrus.com for $40. The only other two sets they had online were Palpatines Shuttle and the CTT. Unfortunately I will have to wait until July 26th to buy anymore. In other news I got my new Camera! I made a review today on the Atlantis Impulse set Manta Warrior, so check it out and watch HD! In addition because my camera doesn't work on Movie Maker I need to upload it directly to YouTube which means until I can find a converter that doesn't require you pay for upgrades, from now on my videos will have NO grades at the end. But, I thought they were kid of pointless anyway... lol

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Toy Story 3 Movie Review

I saw Toy Story 3 today and here is the review - no spoilers! Also, something else worth noting is that Toy Story 3 has had the largest June opening ever, with a whopping $109 million sofar! As testament, my local theater was packed when I saw it and it wasn't just kids, but people my age and single adults. Anyway, on to the review...In the movie Woody and the toys are undergoing a BIG turning point in their plastic lives. Andy (now 17) is moving out to go to college, but because of an accident Woody and the gang are sent to Sunnyside; a parody of a retirement home and prison. All the Lego sets are well presented in the movie one of which is the train which appears at the beginning. There's not much else, I can say without ruining the experience, though, as in other Toy Story movies the ending is a winner! My mum who went to see it with me thought it was great too, and I concur! Pixar is probably the best of all the animated studios and keeps making better and better films. Overall my mum and I couldn't find any flaws in the movie so I can say this is a must see!! A+.
P.S. We saw it in 3D and in this case, the 3D doesn't do much for the movie, so the extra ticket price isn't worth it, plus you may get a headache?!(both my mum and I did!)

Thursday, June 17, 2010

New Lego Kingdoms Reviews comign soon!

Today I was at Toysrus because of several requests from my subscribers to do reviews on the Kingdoms sets. At first I wasn't very interested in this line, but my opinion has changed. While I was there I also saw all the World Racers sets which look great, but I came for Kingdoms so thats what I got. In total I bought 5 sets: Jester, Wizard, Knights Showdown, Prison Carriage Rescue, and Outpost Attack! I actually lucked out on the two impulse sets (jester and wizard) because they only had one of each! I also saw the castle which looks cool, but at Toysrus it costs a whopping $105 so that was a no-go. Reviews won't be up until tomorrow, tonight I will be reviewing the Lego City Pig Farm and Tractor set.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

School Finished!

I'm done with School!!! Whoo! Which means that there will be alot of new Lego Reviews coming soon! Including: X-Wing, Pig Farm and Tractor, Collectible Minifigures, BBQ Stand, Empire State Building Architecture, Medieval Market Village, Speed Racer Grand Prix, Bridgewalker vs. White Lightning, Twilight. And probably some other things which I have forgotten... These are all sets that I have but have been sitting unopened in their box, Medieval Market Village has been under my bed for over a year! :O lol
Also my new blog video will be on the 15th and this blog will be updated weekly with something new! Whats to expect inludes my movie review on Toy Story 3, as well as Lego news and stuff thats going on with me! So favorite this blog and follow me!
Oh and I'll soon be making a facebook page so you can "become a fan" of Nightshroud99 Lego Reviews!

Monday, May 31, 2010

Prince of Persia Movie Review

OK! Because of the hype surrounding the great "Prince of Persia" Lego sets, I wanted to see the new movie out this week-end! Now knowing almost nothing about the game franchise this review is based upon the Lego sets and my own opinion. First, the movie is long, over two hours, however, this is a good because it leaves room for character development and lots and lots of action. The story revolves around Dastan who is taken in by the King of Persia because of a prophecy stating that another Prince not of royal blood was to be found. Dastan has two brothers who are actual sons of the King and of royal blood. But, I noticed these two brothers that played a pivotal role in the movie were not made into Lego figures, which was strange... I'm not going to go into spoilers but Dastan is betryaed and must seek the truth behind his deceit. This betrayal involves running away with Princess Tamina who is the guardian of the holy city of Alamut (Lego Battle of Alamut Playset) and the protector of the mystical Dagger of Time. It is after the escape that Dastan learns how the dagger operates by accident, and I must say the special effects for the dagger of time are amazing! During their ventures they come across Sheik Amar (Ostrich Race set) and his bodyguard, Seso. I can say that from the Lego sets I had no idea that Sheik Amar played such a big role in the movie! He provided comic relief and helped our heroes on their quest. Also, of note is that Dastan never actually races the Ostriches, which is implied from the Lego set. From there the group meets the Hassansins who are sent to covertly kill Dastan by his uncle Nizam (fyi - Nizam appears in two of the sets). I don't want to reveal much of the movie because I believe it is worth seeing! The climax involves fighting at the sands of time (Quest against Time playset) which unlike the Lego set doesn't include weapon traps. After the dagger is turned though, a twist that is reminiscent to the LOST (TV show)finale happens which makes for a great ending. But, I'll leave that to the reader to find out in the theater...In conclusion the Prince of Persia movie was a fun thrill ride for everyone!!! I give it a B+ overall.